This is your assignment:
1. Read the newspaper; skim the articles until you find something interesting.2. Copy each article and paste it in a Word document. Do not forget to copy/past the URLs.
3. Highlight all the words you do not know.
4. Look them up and write the explanation/translation as a footnote for each word.
5. If you know all the words, the article is too simple for you. Find another one!
6. Write a summary of each article.
7. In groups of one from each continent, you will tell each other about your news items.
7. Hand in your copied articles, with words highlighted and explained/translated, and your
summaries, via Vklass. It will not be graded. This is an opportunity for you to learn more words.
8. Learn the words. They will be your homework for next Monday.
North America
Toronto, CanadaAnchorage, Alaska
Washington D.C., the US
Australia & New Zealand
New Zealand